The World of MSP

General definition

Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) is "a cross-cutting policy tool enabling public authorities and stakeholders to apply a coordinated, integrated and trans-boundary approach. The application of an ecosystem-based approach will contribute to promoting the sustainable development and growth of the maritime and coastal economies and the sustainable use of marine and coastal resources"

Taken from Directive 2014/89/EU.

Future Professions

Lots on future professions are out there waiting for you. More videos will follow soon...

Jeroen van Overloop on "Shipping in MSP"
(November 2017)

Jeroen visited us in November 2017 and was more than happy to give you a short introduction into Shipping in MSP.

Jeroen van Overloop is a maritime lawyer working for the federal Belgian government where he is an expert for MSP, shipping and maritime security. He is the Belgian representative at IMO and responsible for Belgian ships worldwide. Furthermore, Jeroen is also a lieutenant commander of the Belgian Navy.

Rhona Fairgrieve on
"Why you should think about studying MSP"
(April 2021)

Rhona has been working as a professional in the fields of ICM and MSP for many decades and in this video she gives us a few ideas why you should think about studying MSP.

Rhona Fairgrieve has over 20 years’ experience in Integrated Coastal Management and Maritime Spatial Planning around the UK and Europe. She was seconded to the European Commission to work on the MSP Directive, has helped to deliver marine planning in Scotland and is passionate about the importance of stakeholder engagement and public participation in building understanding of how – and why – MSP affects our everyday lives.

MSP in a nutshell

Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) in a nutshell” - Everything you need to know about MSP in this short video. Clear, concise, yet dynamic and entertaining. This video has been jointly produced by the global Blue Solutions Initiative and the MARISMA project in the Benguela Current region in 2018.

Source: GRID-Arendal on Vimeo.

MSP partner links